Why the Golf Glove?

Ever wonder?  Why a golf glove?  And why only one?

Number One. . .The leather glove is tackier than the human skin.  Therefore that texture helps to create less squeezing or pressure.

Two. . .The golf grip itself is designed as a bell shape with the end larger and then tapered down.  With the lead hand wearing the glove which is on the larger end, as the swing from the top starts down, the golf glove and the shape of the grip itself create a natural resistance or pulling strengthening the natural power of the swing forward with less conscious hand pressure.

It works much like the principles of what is called a “Chinese Finger Trap” which Wiki-pedia defines it as:

“The finger trap is a mechanism that converts tension force by pulling away or in the opposite direction along the tube that creates a natural compression force across the tube through the braids. The applied force causes a structural transition. Another similar biological mechanism which ''strengthens'' with applied force is known as a ''catch-bond''.

The glove and the shape of the grip creates the natural “catch-bond” as the swing transitions toward the golf ball.

Three. . .It looks cool.  And even cooler when you take it off to putt and tuck it in your back pocket tangling as you walk that putt in with a slight fist pump.

Wear a glove that fits like a glove.  A trite saying, but your golf glove should fit your hand with no looseness of any excesses.  The looseness only creates blisters.

The coolest part of your equipment and it too should be fit for you and your game.
For those wanting the best fit - you have to try Nailed Golf Gloves - the very best and one of our Affiliate Partners to get your discount! Click Here

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